St John's Church Hall

Church Hall in Vicarage Road, Moulsham

40 GoodGymers have supported St John's Church Hall with 14 tasks.

Top supporters

Previous sessions
ChelmsfordGroup run
Rich WalkerMartin GeorgeRichard England Leanne BodyJoeAngela O'Brien

Andy can't leaf Rich alone

Wednesday 3rd January

Written by Laurie Glendinning

For our first GoodGym Group Run of 2024, after what feels like endless rain, we were really pleased to have 15 in the group for our final leaf clearing session at St John's Church Hall this season.

It was also Richard's 50th good deed, what a great way to start the year!

Due to the number of runners, I threatened a fitness session in case of lots of standing around at the task. Stephen found us an additional task inside the church hall, so whilst most of the group cleared leaves, the rest went inside to cut and stick film to the glass of the new doors. Angela, Joe, Leanne and Fay expertly measured, cut, and stuck the film, showing that we can also complete slightly more complicated tasks! This additional task meant that fitness was narrowly avoided, but it will return!

Multiple bins were filled with leaves as usual, with Jenny, Joel, Martin and Sallyann getting on without making any trouble, Erin telling tales of new year's eve induced amnesia, and Cowboy Ben gleefully yee-hawing whilst jumping into a bin of leaves.

Unsurprisingly, Andy and Rich's relationship seems to have become complicated; they're uncontrollable when together and must make sure everyone knows it.

Before parting ways, we posed for a final photo on a bench in the church hall - spot the naughty children!

As long as the weather's ok, we'll see you for running and volunteering at parkrun on Saturday!


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ChelmsfordGroup run
Jess FairmanMartin GeorgeRich WalkerJoelJoeLeanne Body

Don't stop de-leafing

Wednesday 6th December 2023

Written by Laurie Glendinning

On a chilly Wednesday evening we caught up about our weekend's activities of Santa Fun Run Volunteering, breakfast out, and our surprise 3rd place at the quiz on Sunday. Jess asked Rich how the Santa Fun Run was, and it became clear that she had confused Andy in a white polyester beard for Rich, much to both Andy's and Rich's delight. We also heard how Andy made his way through two pairs of felt Santa trousers before/during the run, no surprise. We completed our warm up, with more complaints than last week, and Joel sped off towards the task.

As tonight was Joe's last GoodGym of 2023, he turned up appropriately dressed in his special jacket, christmas lights, and festive pyjama bottoms. This also puts him in with an excellent chance of winning the best outfit prize in the return of the GoodGym awards this year.

We had the usual high levels of socialising, so much that we had to keep reminding Rich to use his rake rather than use it to prop himself up. Other than that, lots of leaves were cleared and bins filled at St John's Church Hall!

Great work everyone, we'll be back in January for more leaf clearing.


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ChelmsfordGroup run
Russell DoltonDoug FaulknerRich WalkerJoeJess FairmanJoel

Thanks very mulch

Wednesday 22nd November 2023

Written by David Chatterjee

We went from leafletting to do some leaf-getting at St John's Church and 14 very keen GoodGymers headed out on a dark and cold November night to help out!

We jogged over down the high street and admiring the Christmas lights in the high street to meet Fay, Rich (injured arse and all), and Angela beavering away.

We leapt to work despite the fact we weren't getting S-paid we were still raking it in. Joe hopped in the bin to push the leaves down and Jess was helping until she said 'you're better off alone', to which Joe whistfully replied 'that's what my ex said'. How we laughed. Doug almost on his knees in laughter. After filling four bins we posed for photos while Andy almost committed tree-son by suggesting we shake the trees to get more leaves down. Leaf it out mate. Laurie lead us on a long route on the way back, we admired the gymnastics Russell attempted and made it back to base.

See you for Parkrun volunteering this weekend! And then spoons, baby!

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ChelmsfordGroup run
Rich WalkerSallyann JeffreyRichardJoeAndy HolmesJoel

April (non) showers

Wednesday 12th April 2023

Written by Rich Walker

On a day when we saw heavy rain and strong winds come and go Rich Andy Joel and Joe set off from hq in the glorious sunshine and headed towards St John's church hall where we would meet Sallyann for a spot of gardening.

We roamed along the high street sweating in our waterproofs and soon arrived meeting Sallyann and soon after Stephen who was very happy to see us.

Tonight's task was to clean some muck out of some gutters that had blocked up and rake some leaves at the church hall, then go around the corner to the vicarage and help tidy the garden before the new vicar was to move in.

Joel and Joe got set with knee pads and scrapers and started clearing out all the muck in the gutters while Andy and Sallyann raked some leaves until Andy flew his Brook stick along with the others to join myself and Stephen in the vicarage garden to start raking more leaves from the freshly cut lawn.

Sallyann found a pepper pig toy along with many tennis balls that must have been launched from the neighbouring school.

With not a drop in the sky we set off on a more scenic route back to base after saying good bye to Stephen and then Sallyann. Our waterproofs now becoming more boil in the bag we remarked that it hadn't rained at all during the task. And then just as we reach hq and started saying our goodbyes I felt some drops hit me.

Guess it doesn't rain at goodgym 😉

Thanks all for coming and see you all soon

Smile as you run


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ChelmsfordGroup run
Laurie GlendinningFay DowningAndy HolmesSallyann JeffreyJenny KingMartin George

Bin there, done that

Wednesday 22nd February 2023

Written by Laurie Glendinning

7 GoodGymer's ran and walked to clear leaves at St John's Church Hall

After what seemed like a reasonably quick run to St John's Church Hall, the runners were surprised to see the walkers already at the task with rakes in hand. Well done Fay, Sallyann and Joe on what must have been speed walking!

Andy, Jenny and Martin grabbed themselves some tools and a bin too and got to work clearing leaves and chatting.

We had to mention a couple of times that we'd finished and were tidying up, with Andy in a constant stream of chatting and Joe taking his anger out with a spade and very full bins of leaves.

Next week we're going to Writtle GP surgery and we'll be starting our run in Central Park rather than the Old Factory - sign up here

We're also going to the Ale House Pub Quiz on the 5th of March [sign up here], and we're arranging a Sunday Lunch in late March or April.

See you soon,


Read more
ChelmsfordGroup run
David ChatterjeeJoelCharlie KanharnElla JJoeIvo

I am sure I spotted a Four-leafed Clover in the wheelbarrow...

Wednesday 21st September 2022

Written by Tav (he/him)

...but that would be pushing my luck.

Last night Goodgym Chelmsford responded swiftly to a leafy situation down at St John's Church Hall. As usual we met at The Old Factory Gym with a little history lesson thanks to Joel who then led the group to the Church Hall after a quick sharp warm up and some news - check out the Goodgym Twitter and Facebook for more information or click here

The task was simple and required a big team effort to rake and sweep leaves and dirt from the side paths and driveway - we easily filled the wheelie-bins and a giant green waste bag as well as the compost bins and added to a compost heap in using a dodgy old wheelbarrow.

David is now just 10 days away from his London Marathon when all the training will pay off and Goodgym will be supporting you all the way - the reward and celebration comes a week later so join him and others at Goodgym vs Beer

Stephen, from the Church, was very pleased and grateful for the clear up and joined us for a photo before we dissappeared into the Chelmsford night!

The evening concluded with some sprint relays and strength work and somehow managing to return to base at precisely 8pm!

Another job well done and I hope it sets you up for a great Thursday, Friday and Weekend.

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