Tuesday 29th March 2022
Report written by Michael
This week we met outside Big Moose, to be a little closer to the task - making it a nice 2 miles of active travel each way.
Our chat today consisted of blancmange (tedious link to a future task), so here are some facts about blancmange.
We set off on our straight 2 miles to the task, on the way came another conversation - argos moving into Sainsburys, what's the point?
Tonight we were on our way to help at StarGarAllot Community Allotment, we have been helping here for several years now so it seemed fitting to be back to celebrate the clocks going forward giving us back our light evenings. Over the years we have seen the site develop and grow, we've made pathways, built sheds, and seen them awarded the green flag award. Our task today, to dig over the plot ready for planting potatoes, and move as much of the bags of gravel back onto the site as possible.
First we all had to get together and move the cold frame from on top of the soil, the cold frame was actually once the roof to the old greenhouse that we dismantled on a previous task. Once moved, Jamie and Michael made their way to start shovelling the gravel, one barrow at a time. After several wheelbarrows each, two of the bags were ready to be dragged over to their new location - today was a cross-fit kinda task
Meanwhile, Emily, Flo, Lydia and Su were busy with forks, turning and loosening the soil and removing and large weeds. Having an amazing time as they discovered an array of goodies from their digging, there's always something when you dig on this plot. It was a bit of a fight to finally get everyone to stop digging, as it became something of a treasure hunt, but we did finally down tools and get our group photo in.
Quick time so some plums, cake and fruit tea, before heading home for the evening. There's plenty more listed for the next two months, so get choosing your volunteer tasks for April & May and we will see you then.
Stargarallot Community Garden was created in 2018 by local residents as a community garden network covering the STAR area of Cardiff.
See moreCardiff
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