Tuesday 31st January 2023
Report written by Michael
On the last Tuesday of January, and bidding farewell to the difficult month Goodgym Cardiff got together for a night of fun, run and BUN - Burger Bun.
15 gymers were ready for the challenge, with new faces to greet.
Cleopatra was encouraged along to their first goodgym experience, thanks to Sarah Jane on their tourism trip from Richmond for the goodgym pitch.
You are both welcome back to the Cardiff division anytime
Also joining us for their first time was Dylan, welcome to the clan.
Goodgym were welcomed as ever by Kathie and made our way to the back gardens ready to cut back overgrowth and litter pick the area. But wait, the edge of the gardens has some friends popping up......as feet where everywhere we all shouted out to try to save the bulbs.
We split into teams to tackle the various jobs this evening, sweeping up the moss that had fallen from the roof around the front of the building, cutting the brambles that were appearing underneath the tree, cutting off come ash stems that were coming out of the root stock of another tree. Two groups in on fence duties, cutting back any of the plants that were encroaching onto the public path areas and then a general litter pick of the grounds.
Busy as bees our 30 minutes were soon up and it was all looking rather lovely.
On our way back we entered the realm of strange conversations - as usual when Michael is around - tonight's topic was......
During the 1950s a virulent fungal pathogen wiped out the Gros Michel variety of banana, which was sweeter than our variety today. The Cavendish stepped into the space left by the disease, which is likely the banana that you eat today.
Imagine if the same thing happened now..... What would be in our bowls of cereal and our smoothies?
Just us next week and see what the conversation will be!!!
Now to celebrate the end of January, we all made our way for a social. Burger deals and a drink to see the night off.
We provide a safe, friendly space for people to meet, have musical entertainment, play table tennis, play draughts, chat, colour, do some art and now wish to extend to provide gardening as therapy. To the latter end we need to clear out a cellar of various bits of rubbish and make it into a storeroom for pots, gardening equipment etc.
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Encourages a younger generation into running and volunteering