Choc Cross Buns

3 Goodgymers helped their local community in Luton
Martin R
1 / 6

Tuesday 11th March



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Report written by Gill (She/her)

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Another busy night at FoodCycle and a trio of GoodGymers supported the team in creating a delicious three course meal out of very few ingredients. Martin and Gill turned a crate of parsnips into an interesting parsnip and carrot loaf with a side of mushroom pasta. They then turned their attention to several packs of hot cross buns. layered up with some chips and soaked in an egg, cream and butter mixture. Baked in the oven to make an alternative to bread and butter pudding. Darshini joined the hosting team and then did a grand job of clearing and washing up. Well done team, another great evening.

This task supported
Food Cycle Luton
Free food and company for anyone who needs it

FoodCycle use food that would otherwise go to waste and put on a free social dinner for anyone who wants to come along, whether hungry or lonely, they welcome everyone to come for dinner and meet other people

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School Garden Spring Clean
🗓Today 6:45pm

Building a sensory garden

David MansfieldGillGail DearingMartin R
4 GoodGymers are going