More crisp packets prepped for people experiencing homelessness

1 Goodgymer helped their local community in Leeds

Saturday 6th March 2021



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Report written by Gemma

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This week I have been continuing to cut, clean and iron together crisp packets, and am now starting to see that I am making a dent in my seemingly never-ending supply of crisp packets. The packets prepared so far are going to be collected and finished off, ready for distribution to those who need them - which will be great!

A couple of other GoodGym runners helped last week - which was amazing - but I still have a few bin bags full of crisp packets waiting to be prepared - so if anyone else would be keen to help out, let me know!

This task supported
Homeless Street Angels
Working to get the homeless off the street into a stable environment and way of life they are able to uphold, with continued ongoing support from the Homeless Street Angels

A Leeds based charity that believes that homeless and marginalised individuals are capable of change and will only achieve their full potential when offered a safe, supportive, empowering and non-judgemental environment – it is our vision to provide such an environment and meaningful activities which will help reverse the spiral of homelessness.

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Running & Litterpicking
🗓Wednesday 6:00pm

We will create crafts to be sold for Made4aid

LauraJasonZoe ThompsonLloyd Sundal
4 GoodGymers are going - 21 spaces left! 👀