Tuesday 11th March
Written by Gill (She/her)
Another busy night at FoodCycle and a trio of GoodGymers supported the team in creating a delicious three course meal out of very few ingredients. Martin and Gill turned a crate of parsnips into an interesting parsnip and carrot loaf with a side of mushroom pasta. They then turned their attention to several packs of hot cross buns. layered up with some chips and soaked in an egg, cream and butter mixture. Baked in the oven to make an alternative to bread and butter pudding. Darshini joined the hosting team and then did a grand job of clearing and washing up. Well done team, another great evening.
Sunday 9th March
Written by Luton runner
Six Goodgymers joined a run to test out a potential new trail route in one of Luton’s historic parks. Lovely weather for it and a good time had by all!
Saturday 8th March
Written by Luton runner
Eight goodgymers supported over 340 parkrunners on perhaps the most glorious Saturday morning of the year so far.
Set-up, marshalling, timekeeping, barcode scanning and close-down roles were filled by Goodgym Luton. No hopping around to keep warm, sunglasses needed, lovely!
Spring’s a coming!
Friday 7th March
Written by David Mansfield
We've been focusing on fitness recently at GoodGym Luton and as part of that, our member Alkesh helpfully hosted an indoor bodyweight workout designed to boost our muscle strength and conditioning.
After an activating warm-up we commenced three ten minute sets, doing ten different exercises for one minute each, and increasing the intensity for each set.
Alky did a great job helping everyone find the right level for them and although we all finished up sweaty, it was smiles all round 😊
Friday 7th March
Written by Gill (She/her)
Welfare Visit for Mrs J
Friday 28th February
Written by Abim Adejumo (She/her)
The Singing Café session was a total blast! Everyone had a great time singing and dancing. It always felt like a big party we all look forward to every Friday.
Four awesome gym members were there to help out and make sure everything went smoothly made sure everyone had a great time.
As usual, we had another birthday celebration during the session! It was so much fun to sing “Happy Birthday” and make the birthday person feel special. The celebrant though a bit shy was so grateful and it made the whole event even more memorable.