29 GoodGymers have supported Friends of People's Park with 16 tasks.
Saturday 3rd May 2025 10:00am - 11:30am
Saturday 5th July 2025 10:00am - 11:30am
Saturday 2nd August 2025 10:00am - 11:30am
Saturday 6th September 2025 10:00am - 11:30am
Saturday 4th October 2025 10:00am - 11:30am
Saturday 1st November 2025 10:00am - 11:30am
Saturday 6th December 2025 10:00am - 11:30am
Saturday 1st March
Written by David Mansfield
It was a beautiful warm sunny winters morning in People's Park for the monthly cleanup effort by the community to keep the area clean and tidy, free from litter.
All the usual littered items like cans, bottles and wrappers were collected by the team but as usual there's always one or two completely random items. This time Martin found a whole bunch of helmets discarded in the trees!
Among the wider group of volunteers we also met Emi, who was convinced to sign up for GoodGym and get the first deed in the bag as well as all the litter! Welcome Emi!
Saturday 1st February
Written by David Mansfield
Our regular turn helping the monthly People's Park litterpick had a very special visitor as the lovely Louise ,GoodGym legend and inspiring individual, joined in after a spot of Parkrun tourism to complete her 878th good deed!
We had a small Goodgym team on the task with Lizzy and David completing a trio, but luckily there were plenty of other litterpickers from the neighbourhood. Collectively we gathered twelve bags of rubbish and recycling from around the park. Random items of the month included a plastic Christmas tree, a drumstick and another lost toy drone!
Saturday 4th January
Written by David Mansfield
A team of 6 Goodgymers joined the rest of the Friends of Peoples Park for the monthly litterpick! Here's what we found:
• 11 bags of general waste • 5 bags of recycling • 1 bed cover including clothing • 1 broken steering wheel lock • 1 dumbbell (4kg) 💪 • 1 headless baby doll • 1 (toy) dolphin 🐬
Saturday 5th October 2024
Written by Martin R
Octobers community litterpick at People's park was well attended, 6 of the 14 that turned out were from Luton's Goodgym elite. The team got stuck in to the task at hand and helped to collect 19 bags of rubbish (8 of which were filled with recycling ♻️). A toy helicopter was found too and it was also recycled as a lady came passed with her grandson and asked if she could have it. The team also helped to trim back some of the trees 🌳 🌳 🌳 that were overhanging the footpath. Well done everyone, great effort 👌
Saturday 2nd November 2024
Written by Martin R
4 Goodgymers helped the Friends of Peoples Park with their monthly litterpick. 17 people from the local community turned up collected roughly 20 bags of rubbish. Well done Luton Goodgym. Excellent effort by all
Saturday 7th September 2024
Written by Martin R
4 Goodgymers made their way to Peoples Park, to help the Friends of Peoples Park with their monthly litterpick. The team welcomed Yousef to his first task as we all got stuck in to help the team of volunteers collect well over 20 bags of litter, around 8 of which were all filled with recyclable waste. It was a lovely day for a stroll in the park and making such a positive impact on the environment made it all the more enjoyable. Well done team 👏