Golden Hill Community Garden

Managing Horfield's Community Garden for all

98 GoodGymers have supported Golden Hill Community Garden with 12 tasks.

Top supporters
Bristol runner
Bristol runner
Paul Becker
Paul Becker (he/him)

Upcoming sessions
Help the Garden get prepped for the Fair

Saturday 21st September 2024 11:00am - 1:00pm

Previous sessions
BristolCommunity mission
Sarah MaunderJade CahillJason ThorneJordan James Cogzell

Bunting High and Low

Saturday 11th May

Written by Bristol runner

Glorious sunshine greeted the five of us as we arrived at the Community Garden to help set up for the spring fair. The first job was to put up bunting. After much rumination, deliberation and other -ations we adorned the garden with colour. Wow!

But how will people find the place! No worries, we have signs. Jordan and Frances scoured the streets to find the perfect spot to put up signs pointing to the fair. While that was being done Jade and Jason watered the garden while I swept the floor in a hut for the quiet space.

Next was the signs. This is where the artistic talent really came out. Which way to the water? Why this way my dear friend! You want pizza or your face painted we’ve also got you covered too.

After two hours we were done and the fair opened. A short mooch around and we were on our way. Great job everyone.

Until next time…

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BristolCommunity mission
Sofia PadulaSukhiAnanya MehtaTom WoodleyJulie MSusan Mottram-Dovey

Helping out at Golden Hill Community Gardens!

Saturday 13th May 2023

Written by Jade Cahill

Five GoodGymers met at Golden Hill community gardens to help them set up for their spring fair. Tasks consisted of putting bunting up, repositioning tables and chairs and cutting up mint leaves and laying this out with wood chip for a path. Was nice to see everyone :)

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BristolCommunity mission
David HeadRuss CahillTimNathalie Levi

Fair doughs, weed never find Garlic Tony

Saturday 24th September 2022

Written by Bristol runner

The famous five assembled for today’s adventure, to help setup for the Harvest Fair at Golden Hill Community Garden.

There were all manner of jobs to do. From weeding an area of ground so that it could be set out for chairs, making play dough balls for activities later, to setting up for Garlic Tony’s vegetable treasure hunt. In between all this we set up a clay play area and assembled some games like giant Connect 4 and Draughts. At the end we just had to hang a sign directing people to the fair and we were done.

We always love coming here and hope we’ll be back again soon.

Until next time…

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BristolCommunity mission
Julie MHayleyKate HDora YoungAbby GayaJoana Calado

Helping out at Golden Hill!

Saturday 14th May 2022

Written by Jade Cahill

GoodGymers met at the lovely Golden Hill community gardens on a sunny Saturday morning. Golden Hill community gardens were organising a fair for the afternoon so we came along to help them get set up. Todays tasks included putting up pretty bunting around the gardens, moving plants to the tables and arranging them, cutting up mint/lemon balm and other herbs in order to make a sensory path. It was lovely meeting everyone and being out in the sunshine whilst doing some good. Well done everyone!

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BristolCommunity mission
Julie MJohn ShirleyJesse WilliamsRuss CahillGemmaJason Thorne

Reed it and weep

Saturday 25th September 2021

Written by Jade Cahill

GoodGymers met on a lovely Saturday morning.

We split into two tasks: One team put on their waders and got into the pond to pull out the overgrown weeds.

The other team weeded and tidied up a path in order to make it wheelchair accessible.

Was great meeting everyone and the community gardens was looking great! Well done everyone :)

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BristolCommunity mission
IzzyRebecca MarstonEmily BellisVicky TesterChris Palmer

Now Matt’s what I call a centurion!

Tuesday 13th July 2021

Written by Jade Cahill

A load of Goodgymer’s met at Golden Hill Community Gardens on a lovely sunny Tuesday evening.

There was a number of tasks for us to complete tonight- this involved weeding around the pond and cutting the bushes away in order to make the path wheelchair accessible, weeding paths around the place and general tidying up the area.

We also celebrated Matt’s 100th task! Well done and thanks for the lovely cake :)

The community garden looked amazing after everyone’s hard work and Lucy (who works there) was very chuffed :) well done everyone! Was great to see you all.

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