Springfield Park

Help to restore the historic Shelter for the community and improve habitat for biodiversity
Springfield Park is located between Stamford Hill and the River Lee, with views over the Lea Valley. The Park provides lots of opportunities for the local community to access recreational and sporting activities, and connect with nature. In 2017 a restoration project kicked off to restore the park to its former glory. But there is still more to do to enhance the park for the local community and create more habitat for biodiversity. We would love your help!

3 GoodGymers have supported Springfield Park with 1 task.

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Upcoming sessions
Springfield Park Painting, Part II 🎨

Saturday 12th October 2024 11:00am - 12:15pm

Previous sessions
HackneyCommunity mission
Dan DunnLucy ThomasOllieCharlotte Fisher-VercoeMarek Krawczyk

Paint it Black 🎨

Sunday 15th September

Written by Dan Dunn (He/ him)

4 Goodgymmers turned up on this sunny Sunday morning at Springfield Park to paint the shelter which needed a new lick of black paint. Welcome new Goodgymmers Charlotte, Marek and Ollie!

We used wired brushes on the pillars to get rid of cobwebs and used white spirit to clean the surfaces. We then focused on the areas of graffiti to paint over, whilst listening to some tunes provided Marek.

This task made a big difference! We will be back to complete the paint job and move some logs to the new forest teaching area.

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