Final Straw Solent

Working with businesses and communities to improve ocean health
FSS trading address is Emsworth, PO10 7UJ so address used is for RNLI station where the task will be.

30 GoodGymers have supported Final Straw Solent with 11 tasks.

Top supporters

Previous sessions
PortsmouthCommunity mission
Dave MYvonne HawleyLaura Wells

Why did GoodGym blush?

Saturday 8th June

Written by Dave M

because the sea-weed.

Team GG headed to the beach to give it a good clean.

The standard array of rubbish was found: pants, socks and a hat made for a lovely new outfit.

I found a nice little crab friend and the swans with new baby thanked us as we left.

Laura and mimi GG-er Jack were experts in keeping their wellies on in the unexpected deep areas! and the short showers were very unwelcome!

A nice new hubcap, a few vapes and a very rusty paintcan. And Yvonne got her GG recruitment head on whilst picking all the microplastics out of the seaweed!

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PortsmouthCommunity mission

Boldly going where no man’s gone before

Saturday 4th May

Written by Abby (she/her)

Wait? thats star trek right? 🚀 Well the quote fits our adventure!

Jane and I joined the final straw beach clean in Eastney this morning to celebrate May the 4th (be with you, and with you). We started in the usual places, clearing the small bits of plastic on the beach and the stinky dog poo bag and then headed 'to the dark side' (over the road). We managed to take a (not) shortcut into a lovely muddy area, no rolled ankles luckily...

After getting back to the path and a short battle with a bag we had the interesting finds of a lantern and the classic one sock. Having collected a good haul we headed back to base to hand in the finds for the final straw team to sort into recyclables.

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PortsmouthCommunity mission
Judy KnappLauren BradfordJaneSinéad McCarthyAbby

High achieving beach clean

Sunday 7th January

Written by Judy Knapp

Sinéad, Abby, Jane and I collected loads of rubbish on the forgotten Eastney beach, as part of Billie's Final Straw beach clean. There was such a lot of washed-up plastic, fishing line and pieces of metal.

Despite the biting cold wind, the many volunteers took advantage of the winter sun to collect bags and bags of rubbish. It was a satisfying way to celebrate my own personal milestone of 500 good deeds.

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PortsmouthCommunity mission

Binning your butt isn't hard!

Friday 17th November 2023

Written by Jane

I joined about 20 volunteers including health professionals, Councillors and school pupils at The Hard for a massive litter pick.

After only an hour, we'd cleared a big pile of cigarette butts and some other litter. It looks much nicer now and hopefully people will use the new ballot butt bins and answer the age-old question, does pineapple belong on pizza.

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PortsmouthCommunity mission
Tracey DeanVal CameronMaura ColeJen StonehamKatie LondonKatie Carew-Robinson

Cardboard (& tub) collection

Wednesday 7th June 2023

Written by Judy Knapp

Oh, we do love a collection task at GoodGym Portsmouth! Raiding our homes for things that someone else can re-purpose.

In this case, it was:

47 loo roll & kitchen roll tubes; 7 cereal boxes; 19 egg boxes; 14 shoe boxes; 22 plastic tubs; and 45 other boxes of all shapes and sizes (I think!)

The Final Straw Youth Eco-Conference will use these somehow - maybe an experimental biomass project, or a huge sculptural representation of waste, or a working replica of a wind farm. Who knows? But I bet they'll learn lots and have fun doing it.

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PortsmouthCommunity mission
WilsonSamantha BelfrageLucy BoothDuncan AndersonLouisaIndia Custance

A clean start!

Monday 2nd January 2023

Written by Judy Knapp

A satisfying beach clean, on a glorious sunny January day!

9 GoodGymers, plus Betsy, Tess and Benny, joined The Final Straw to collect over 520kg of waste from the beach and car park on the Eastney peninsula.

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