Wednesday 22nd January
Laura Dunk logged their first training run with GoodGym.
Oh yes. Laura is training. This is how the greatest atheletes on earth are made. Laura is making it happen. They logged their first training run on the GoodGym site; extraordinary things are sure to follow.
Wednesday 22nd January
Laura Dunk connected Strava.
Laura has got Strava connected. Strava is a great way to track your progress.
Wednesday 22nd January
Laura Dunk run their first 5k.
Laura has just logged their first 5k with GoodGym. Laura has joined the ranks of Athletes like Tirunesh Dibaba - running gracefully over 5000 metres. Show Laura some love.
Mon 20th Jan at 6:00pm
Portsmouth Report written by Judy Knapp
Portsmouth GoodGymers were motivated to run, walk or cycle wherever they were, and whenever they could fit it in.
On-island; off-island; or even in Ireland... the miles were eaten up and the Get Fit mantra was fulfilled.
Monday 13th January
Laura Dunk been cheered 10 times.
Goodgymers have noticed what Laura has done and have cheered them 10 times. We doff out caps to you Laura.
Mon 13th Jan at 6:00pm
Portsmouth Report written by Judy Knapp
M - morning commute
O - oh no, the train is late!
N - no resting after circuits training
D - doggy beach run
A - Aida taking the air
Y - yomping the Wayfarer's Walk
M - moonlit walkies
I - in between meetings
L - lunchtime loop (the long way round)
E - employment exercise
S - school runs / cycles