Wednesday 12th October 2022
Report written by Katie Carew-Robinson (she/her)
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It was certainly a dirty old evening up at Wymering Manor. If you accidentally heard half of most conversations you would be forgiven for thinking the worst of our group!!
Our mission, which we chose to accept, was to move a big pile of dirt away from one area onto the compost heap. We hadn't realised quite how compacted the earth had got so forks, spades and a pick axe were used (Jen was living the dream!).
3 wheelbarrows were in constant rotation between the gradually shrinking pile of dirt and the compost heap where Judy was doing sterling work distributing it around the area (the wellies were a genius footwear choice tonight).
Thanks to Wilson for the photos tonight, some great action shots.
Well done everyone, an amazing team effort tonight. 💪
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